
This “HEALTH & BABIES” website is about:

  • NATURAL HEALTHย for families,
  • all things BABY,
  • and certainly about BREASTFEEDING.

Ultimately, this site is also about aiming to go back to the BASICS of having a healthy baby, and growing healthy, happy families (the way our Creator intended when He created humans and this earth, and placed us here to look after it all well, including ourselves, naturally!)

(How far we as people have ventured from what was originally intended… It is evident when we look at how sick society is becoming, in so many ways.)

I personally would like to honour my Creator here for being the Wisdom we needed while raising our own children, and for helping me as a new mother when I wished each baby came with a book or manual! ๐Ÿคฃ They actually have!

As the Scripture says, “the fear of YHUH is the beginning of Wisdom“, and since those early days, so much of the advice He whispered into my confused mommy-heart then, I have had the pleasure of learning as a Lactation Consultant and IBCLC, to be backed by research! How amazing this journey has been for me! How can I but say THANK YOU, our Father in heaven!!!

(Perhaps I will write about that journey and the ‘advice’ He gave me sometime ๐Ÿ™‚)

And so I would like to help teach mothers and parents to feed themselves, their babies and families as naturally and healthily as each is able to do.

Tip: Become a LABEL-READER! Don’t assume that, just because something is on the supermarket shelf, that it’s healthy. Read the INGREDIENTS! The front of the product is just the marketing, and should be taken with a pinch of salt… The more ingredients listed, generally the more unhealthy chemicals that our bodies, and the bodies of our growing children and families, are not designed to consume!

Because having a healthy baby and child does not just start with breastfeeding.

It starts with the mother and father’s health too. And what parents feed themselves and their families. (Tip: Let us not stoop to “genetically modify” our own and our children’s genes by feeding ourselves “genetically modified ‘edibles'” (it can’t be called ‘food’ anymore… And as hard as it may be right now, best we vote with our wallets and mouths while we still can. Because consuming GMO’s ultimately also kills our bees, and when all the bees are gone, we will all starve… True story!!)

Whew, where did all that come from?! Although I may sound like a ‘strange’ person to you right now, I’m actually pretty ‘normal’, and do not ‘push’ what I believe onto anyone. I hold what I know to be true with open hands, and as I learn more, I try my best to adjust my actions accordingly. (Most clients do not even know what I believe, since I usually only assist them with their precious babies regarding feeding and mothering, in every culture, with love.)

So I hope I get to meet you and your little ones!

Here’s to raising happy, healthy children and families!

Yulanda (aka YulandyYah) ~ 0827255043
